Sunday 16 March 2014

The sea of big NOPE!

Well we all know how scary sea and oceans are, but what's more terrifying are the creature residing within. On this creepy note, I bring you my list of top 5 scary fishes!

1. Viper fish: Is it one of THE most creepiest fish I have ever seen. You wouldn't want it in your fish tank or in your plate. They grow about 30 to 60 cm in length in dwell in deep waters. They may be green, silver or black in color. Viper fish are believed to live from 30 to 40 years in the wild. Scientists believe they can swim at a speed of two body lengths per second. (Yes I am really not interested in finding out it that is true or not. :| )

2. Angler fish: Well we all remember this wicked beast from our childhood favorite fish movie, NEMO! Yes, it really exists!  It has a large mouth likes with sharp, fang-like teeth. Its appearance has earned it a second name of "common black devil". Despite its ferocious appearance, the angler only reaches a maximum length of about five inches. The angler gets its name from the long, modified dorsal spine which is tipped with a light producing organ known as a photophore. Like many other deep-water fish, the angler uses this organ like a lure to attract its prey. It will flash its light on and off while waving it back and forth like a fishing pole. When the prey fish gets close enough, the angler snaps it up with its powerful jaws. 

3. Deep sea blob sculpin: Anyone of you remember the horror movie Blob? Well this fish could just have been the start of that movie.These fish are usually found at depths of up to 2,800 meters along the U.S. West coast and can get caught in nets that indiscriminately trawl the seafloor for commercially important species like crabs. 

4. Frilled Shark: Now when I say frilled shark please don't imagine a shark in that frilly tux shirts with laces and ribbons. No sir! It's a shark and quite frankly lives up to it's name.  This rare species is found over the outer continental shelf and upper continental slope, generally near the bottom, though there is evidence of substantial upward movements. It has been caught as deep as 1,570 m (5,150 ft). With its 300 rows of needle-like teeth, the shark snags soft-bodied squid and fish in the deep. How it attacks prey is not known.

5. Vampire squid: With the Twilight saga, The house of Night series, Vampire diaries, Vampire academy, everything seems to have been engulfed by the vampire fad so why should the animal kingdom stay behind, BEHOLD, Vampire squid and yes it does come in black! ;) And the answer to the most obvious question arising in your minds, no it doesn't feed on blood. The vampire squid reaches a maximum total length of 30 cm (1 ft).  They are capable of swimming at speeds equivalent to two body lengths per second, with an acceleration time of five seconds. However, their weak muscles limit stamina considerably.

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