Monday 17 March 2014

The evolution of Harley Quinn

Well this isn't anything new to me but as an avid Batman series fan I have always found Harley Quinn to be THE most amazing female character in the DC Universe.
She's fun, preppy and more than a little psychotic, but hey! That's your everyday girl. :P
So this post is about the different versions of Harley Quinn that have been seen till date.
On September 11, 1992, Harley Quinn was first introduced in Batman the animated series. 

The classic Harley Quinn. She remains my favorite till date. The black red jester like costume brings out her clad like jester manner.
This same version of Harley Quinn made her comic debut in the comic The Batman Adventures #12 in 1993. 

Harley Quinn then took up a new look with DCnU in the episode Suicide squad. She is arrested by black canary and is seen sporting a new costume. (As seen in the new 52 series)

These were Harley's animated versions (the ones I know about )
Talking about her various video games avatars!
In each of the Batman Arkham series, Harley Quinn seems to come up with a new look!

1. Arkham Asylum.

The Joker: “Honey, I'm home!”
Harley: “Come on in!”

The credits are over and the game starts with the following dialogue between Joker and Harley. Our beloved Harley is seen in an almost nurse uniform with her two color combo present as well i.e red and purple (previously red and black) As far as video games go, this version of Ms. Quinn has been quite famous among the DC fan community.

2. Arkham City.

"It would be a shame to get blood all over my nice new outfit. What do you think, Bat-brain, like it? What am I saying? Of course you do! Who wouldn't?" 

Harley is back to her clack red avatar in Arkham city! (SPOILER ALERT!) At the end of Arkham Asylum the Joker injected himself with the powerful toxin known as Titan to fight Batman, but was defeated and was recaptured in the prison. The Titan has a fatal effect on Joker and leaves him dying, much to the distress of Harley. After learning of a plan concocted by the guards to kill the Joker, she kills one of them, takes their uniform (hence her new clothing) and smuggles Joker out of the asylum.

3. Arkham Origins:

Arkham origins showed us Harleen Quinn when she was Dr. Harleen Quinzel. The doctor who goes to treat Joker but instead falls for the guy. It is nice to see her in this form.

4. Harley Quinn's Revenge:

An epilogue DLC to Arkham City entitled "Harley Quinn's Revenge" was released and centred entirely around Harley and her actions after the death of the Joker.
There isn't much change to her costume, but her physical appearance changes. With her hair being fully black with red ends. Her costume depicts the mourning she's in after the death of her beloved Joker.

5. Arkham Knight: 

As far as video game versions of Harley go, the soon to be release game, Arkham Knight's Harley seems to have nailed it! Personally I find this version of hers to b the best till date (In the video game front that is )

What will she do in this game, that is yet to know for the game releases in October this year. But it is worth the wait!

6. DC Universe Online:

The DC Universe Online  stuck with the basic iconic version of Harley Quinn, that is, her black and red jester suit which had stolen the hearts of millions back in 1992 with it's first appearance.

7. Injustice: Gods Among Us: 

In this version, Harley Quinn is depicted in her new avatar, that is, the one in the New 52 series according to sources.
 It will be one of the first games, if not the very first, to feature her with her post-Flashpoint redesign given to her as part of the DC Comics universe "New 52" reboot.

Sunday 16 March 2014

The sea of big NOPE!

Well we all know how scary sea and oceans are, but what's more terrifying are the creature residing within. On this creepy note, I bring you my list of top 5 scary fishes!

1. Viper fish: Is it one of THE most creepiest fish I have ever seen. You wouldn't want it in your fish tank or in your plate. They grow about 30 to 60 cm in length in dwell in deep waters. They may be green, silver or black in color. Viper fish are believed to live from 30 to 40 years in the wild. Scientists believe they can swim at a speed of two body lengths per second. (Yes I am really not interested in finding out it that is true or not. :| )

2. Angler fish: Well we all remember this wicked beast from our childhood favorite fish movie, NEMO! Yes, it really exists!  It has a large mouth likes with sharp, fang-like teeth. Its appearance has earned it a second name of "common black devil". Despite its ferocious appearance, the angler only reaches a maximum length of about five inches. The angler gets its name from the long, modified dorsal spine which is tipped with a light producing organ known as a photophore. Like many other deep-water fish, the angler uses this organ like a lure to attract its prey. It will flash its light on and off while waving it back and forth like a fishing pole. When the prey fish gets close enough, the angler snaps it up with its powerful jaws. 

3. Deep sea blob sculpin: Anyone of you remember the horror movie Blob? Well this fish could just have been the start of that movie.These fish are usually found at depths of up to 2,800 meters along the U.S. West coast and can get caught in nets that indiscriminately trawl the seafloor for commercially important species like crabs. 

4. Frilled Shark: Now when I say frilled shark please don't imagine a shark in that frilly tux shirts with laces and ribbons. No sir! It's a shark and quite frankly lives up to it's name.  This rare species is found over the outer continental shelf and upper continental slope, generally near the bottom, though there is evidence of substantial upward movements. It has been caught as deep as 1,570 m (5,150 ft). With its 300 rows of needle-like teeth, the shark snags soft-bodied squid and fish in the deep. How it attacks prey is not known.

5. Vampire squid: With the Twilight saga, The house of Night series, Vampire diaries, Vampire academy, everything seems to have been engulfed by the vampire fad so why should the animal kingdom stay behind, BEHOLD, Vampire squid and yes it does come in black! ;) And the answer to the most obvious question arising in your minds, no it doesn't feed on blood. The vampire squid reaches a maximum total length of 30 cm (1 ft).  They are capable of swimming at speeds equivalent to two body lengths per second, with an acceleration time of five seconds. However, their weak muscles limit stamina considerably.

Saturday 15 March 2014

The creepy island

So, since this blog is about everything new I hear, here is something creepy that has been going around the internet for a while.
BEHOLD! The Poveglia Island of Italy!

Do not be fooled, for it might look like just any other floating mass of land in water but it is way beyond that!
According to the history, Poveglia Island was home to a small community until it was abandoned around 1380, during the War of Chioggia between Venice and Genoa. Split into two segments by a petite canal, the Poveglia Island is a small land mass situated in the Venetian Lagoon between the cities of Venice and Lido.
When the Bubonic plague hit Italy in 1576, thousands of dead bodies were piling up in Venice and the stench was terrible. Something drastic had to be done. The dead were hauled to Povelia and dumped in large pits or burned on huge bonfires. As the Black Death tightened its grip, people panicked, and those showing the slightest symptoms of the plague were dragged screaming from their homes. These living victims, including children and babies, were taken to the island and thrown into the pits of rotting corpses, where they were left to die in agony. As many as 160,000 tormented souls were disposed of during the Black Death.

The soil on Poveglia island, combined with the charred remains of the bodies, formed a layer of sticky ash on the land. The top layer of ash has dried in the sun to form a fine dust that swirls in the breeze and catches in lungs. Part of the island core consists of a layer of human remains. Fishermen avoid this area, as the chances of catching a body part or two are high.

An interesting legend surrounds a building “erected in 1922 on the island, which was used for various purposes, including usage as a mental hospital. The legend states that a particular mental health doctor tortured, butchered, and ate many of the patients, before going ‘mad’ and jumping to his death from the bell tower. According to that same legend, he survived the fall, but was ‘strangled by a mist that came up from the ground’. Its ruins remain to this day.  It is rumored that he is bricked up in the bell tower, and on a still night the bell can be heard tolling across the bay.
The hospital has since closed down, and the island is uninhabited. It is not open to tourist, and its ashy beaches remain deserted. Most boats refuse to call at the death isle, another of its names, but those who have landed report treading on ashes, hearing screaming, seeing moving shadows and having the urgent desire to flee. Recently a family sought permission to visit the island, hoping to buy it cheaply and build a vacation home. The family left before the night was over and have refused to comment on the reason for their abrupt departure; the only fact known is that their daughter’s face was ripped open by “something” and needed twenty stitches.

Italians like to keep Poveglia at the bottom of their list of tourist attractions. But nosey scare-seekers have found their way onto its forbidden shores with mixed results about their encounters with the undead. When it comes to ghosts, it seems that people always find exactly what they're looking for. In the end, it's hard to say if this island is actually haunted or not but I am not really interested in finding out. So any of you scare seekers out there, you could make a trip if you want if nothing else you get to visit Italy!! :D

Some pictures of the island:

You could further read about it here:

He finally meets their mother :')

So, the much wanted day is finally here, Ted Mosby finally tells his kid, HOW HE MET THEIR MOTHER  after NINE seasons! :'D
The season finale occurs on 31st March.

According to the creators episode 23 and 24 are going to be quite emotional.
"Last forever", the finale episode is just a few weeks away, so stack up all the tissues you want. ;)

According to synopsis, Marshal and Lily help Barney write the vows while Ted talks to Robin, who has wedding jitters. But whatever he tells her seems to work because, BARNEY STINSON WEDS ROBIN SHERBATSKY, as the pictures reveal they are seen saying "I do" at the alter. :)

What do you think will happen during the series finale of “HIMYM”? Rumors have been heard regarding the Mother’s death and a potential wedding disaster thus far. How the show finally comes to an end, I guess we'll have to wait for that. :)

Thursday 13 March 2014

Arkham Knight!!

Guess who is back??!! It's our very own guardian of the night! Yes, it's Batman!
In the epic finale of the Arkham series, Batman will be facing the worst of the Arkham villains. Scarecrow is back along with Penguin, Two Face and our very own Harley Quinn!! (Oh boy! )

Two face, Penguin, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow
The game's main storyline is set one year after that of 2011's Batman: Arkham City and follows Batman, at the peak of his ability, as he confronts the supervillain Scarecrow, who has returned to Gotham City to unite Batman's enemies in a plot to finally kill the Dark Knight. (Pfft! Good luck with that, you can't kill him, HE'S BATMAN! ) 

The Arkham Knight

The greatest news is that, there is going to be a new villain, He's supposed to be like batman but yields a gun (yikes! ) Rumors have it that Arkham Knight (the new villian) is the antithesis of Batman in lieu of The Joker no longer being around.

Another great piece of information is that for the first time, such a version of the batmobile has been introduced which id drivable! (Dreams do come true :D ) 
The batmobile
Well the game releases 14th October, so we really got to wait and be excited. :D 
Here is a video link to tell you everything about the new upcoming, most epic finale batman game! Enjoy! :D

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Dig in at DIGGIN!

So this Women's day, I came down with some sort of fever thing, and it helped me discover a new place!
Diggin Cafe!
So I am sick (the anatomical type :P ) sitting and just trotting about Facebook and there is a contest post and I just thought O hey, let's take it for fun. Little did I know, I would actually win!
I received a mail and off I am to collect my Sur'prize' (after getting well obviously! )
Such a wonderful feeling!
Getting to the place, that place made me fall in love with it.
The outside porch swing
Diggin, a place that makes you believe in love at first sight. That is the charm of the place. A beautiful outdoor seating with a swing makes you relive your childhood. :)  An absolute sight for the sore eye and the food, well it makes you realize what heaven tastes like. The cookies melt in your mouth and you just can't have enough of them. The food is well priced, the ambiance is way beyond amazing and the staff are the best.
Diggin Cafe :)

Also they keep having these contests, and trust me their gift baskets are amazing! Here is a picture of me with their gift basket. The cookies were amazing, ladies, you hear me? :D

The place is located opposite Gargi College so go and grab a bite there! :D

New to me post number 1

So, my first official post for MY BLOG, do I get a round of applause? No? Okay!
Anyway, I am just about to buy a new cell phone, yeyyie for me. Thanks to my “found new job” brother I have a decent budget of Rs 20,000. <3
So once I received this totally ground shaking piece of information that I am getting a new phone, my RESEARCH began (Ok now when I say research it’s just random Google searches, don’t get too excited :D ) After a lot of “research, I narrowed down my choices to 3 obvious ones.
1.       Sony Xperia C
2.       Samsung Galaxy grand
3.       Nokia Lumia 625

I wanted an Android phone so Nokia was out, not that there is any problem with it, but I was more keep to buy an android. So Nokia was out. After a few more thoughts I gave up Samsung as well, the main reason being. EVERY PERSON HAD A SAMSUNG!!!
So my final decision was Sony Xperia C. With a few days away from my brother salary day I was sure to buy the Sony xperia C but.. then I opened up my newspaper and BEHOLD! I saw the most amazing thing. Micromax Canvas Knight.

AMAZING is the word that comes to the mind.
Firstly the phone looks amazing, and comes in three body colors, black gold, white gold and full black.
I was sold to the visuals. But checking the specifications, I am now sure that it’s going to be mine. :D

- 2 GHz MT6592T Octa Core Processor
- 5 Inch Full HD IPS Touchscreen Display
- Dual Micro SIM
- 16 MP Rear Camera With LED Flash
- 8 MP Front Camera
- 3G
- WiFi
- Bluetooth
- FM Radio
- 2350 MAh Battery.

I am SOLD, SOLD, SOLD, So anyone who is about to buy a new phone I highly recommend it.

P.S: It looks really good in your hand. :P

Well hello there!!!!

Hello everyone out there. I have started this blog for people like me! People who would really like to stay updated about everything but, sadly can't kind the time or are simply lazy. You'll find everything that's happening so you can stay a wee bit updated, even if it's too late. :P Eh! It's about knowing right? better late than never right? :D